Z-Boutique: Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets.
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Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets.

Deploy an orbital environment around your guests.

The "Orbital Kit" is a system to provide an orbital panoramic view around your current location.
This kit allows you to equip a ship, a station or simply an attachment, with a script able to deploy a orbital environment.
The Kit C includes the following orbital environments: Earth & 4 extrasolar planets.

This system require the presence of its owner to be deployed.
The orbital environments can be used only between 800m and 4000m of altitude. The orbital effect is automatically self-deleted once abandonned.
Those limitations have been defined regarding the too high risk of grief regarding the usage of the megaprims in the buildable zone (under 768m).

Simply drag the script ORBITAL_REZZER_C and the object ORBITALIZER_C into the content tab of a prim that will act as a button to activate the orbital environment. This prim can be part of a spacecraft, a station, an attachment or any other kind of object.
NOTE: It is not suggested to install it into the root prim. This will have the bad effect to make clickable every part of the linked object.
  • High-resolution orbital environments.

  • Includes: Earth & 4 extrasolar planets.

  • Control menu: Change the view and set the rotation speed.

  • Can be added to your own creations.

  • Self-deletion once abandoned.


Movie based on the products.
Zeja PyleOrbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets.
Like this object is NOT TRANSFERABLE, no refund is possible.

This END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT is effective between the creator of the product and its owner once the product has been purchased.
This product is for the personal use of its owner. The owner should be present in-world to rez this product. Once rezzed, this product deletes it-self once all the avatars in its volume have quitted.
Any persistent use of this product is strictly the previlege of its creator. This persistency is not includes in the present products. The owner can't request this previlege.
The usage of this product is not exclusive to the owner.
Any modifications, or use, of the entire or of a part of this product, for another activity or for another product, is reserved to the creator. The owner can't request this previlege.
Primitives: 6
700 L$

Creator: Zeja Pyle

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Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets. photo 1Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets. photo 2Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets. photo 3Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets. photo 4Orbital kit C: space environment generator - Earth & 4 extrasolar planets. photo 5
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