Z-Boutique: Goth Stellar base
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Goth Stellar base


The Goth Stellar Base is a space archeologic mission on the asteroid 2143-BH-GOTH, remains of the old Earth, where has been discovered some ruins of a gothic chapel.
This environment is ideal to celebrate a marriage into space. The main room is spacious, perfect for a ceremony

Use the orbiter to go with your friends at the most peaceful zone of Second Life®. This orbiter of 1 to 8 passengers capacity, will reach your targeted altitude (between 800m to 4000 m) and will rez the Goth Stellar Base for you and your guests. (You can teleport of course more people once deployed.)

The Goth Stellar Base offers a choice of 9 high-resolution orbital environments (Muvia, Santris-II, Orion M42, Hytherion, Cyana, Tethys, Genesis-1, Kralos, Star), and an asteroid field effect, including 2 main companions and an artificial satellite.

It's also possible to experience the space-walk with a MMU unit, included for every guests. And to return to the ground by using a detachable Lander shuttle (up to 3 passengers), automatically replaced once one is gone.

Command for the MMU space-walk and for the LANDER:
Left Arrow => Turn Left
Right Arrow => Turn Right
Up Arrow => Forward
Down Arrow => Backward
PageUp => Up
PageDown => Down

No persistent installations.
- The launcher deletes it-self after has rezzed the station.
- The station is programmed to delete it-self after 2 minutes if nobody is present around.
  • 9 High resolution orbital environments. Dynamic asteroid field effect.

  • Ruins of a gothic chapel, the asteroid is a remains of the old Earth.

  • Living area with dance floor, couches or bed 27 poses.

  • Detachable lander (3 passengers).

  • Space-walk MMU unit dispensor.


Movie based on the products.
Zeja PyleGoth Stellar base
Like this object is NOT TRANSFERABLE, no refund is possible.

This END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT is effective between the creator of the product and its owner once the product has been purchased.
This product is for the personal use of its owner. The owner should be present in-world to rez this product. Once rezzed, this product deletes it-self once all the avatars in its volume have quitted.
Any persistent use of this product is strictly the previlege of its creator. This persistency is not includes in the present products. The owner can't request this previlege.
The usage of this product is not exclusive to the owner.
Any modifications, or use, of the entire or of a part of this product, for another activity or for another product, is reserved to the creator. The owner can't request this previlege.
Primitives: 115
1100 L$

Creator: Zeja Pyle

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Goth Stellar base photo 1Goth Stellar base photo 2Goth Stellar base photo 3Goth Stellar base photo 4Goth Stellar base photo 5Goth Stellar base photo 6Goth Stellar base photo 7
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