Your lunar exploration journey...
Live a complete expedition from the ground to the Moon.
This orbital flight will lead you to the surface of the Earth's natural satellite.
Discover the Lacus Mortis lunar base and its mysteries...
The LACUS MORTIS - LUNAR MISSION is a complete space odyssey.
Use the launcher to deploy the ARTEMIS spacecraft in orbit around the Earth. From there, reach the lunar orbit and prepare you to discover the Moon.
Use the launcher to go with your friends at the most peaceful zone of Second Life®. This launcher of 1 to 5 passengers capacity, will reach your targeted altitude (between 800m to 4000 m) and will deploy the ARTEMIS spacecraft for you and your guests.
This spacecraft, will lead you to the Moon orbit.
- High resolution spatial environment.
- Individual Zero G device dispensor.
- Zero G couple animation.
- Control center.
- Airlock for the space-walk.
Use the Control center to initiate the different phases of the travel. (Departure, Landing procedure, Return to Earth)
You can also specify the travel duration.
Once landed on the Moon, discover the lunar base:
- Large builing with furnitures: Seats & Bed. (Click the "Furniture" button to rez them.)
- High resolution spatial environment.
- Large walkable lanscape.
- Drivable Lunar Rover. (Click the "Rover" button to rez one. You can rez many.)
- Mysterious ruins.
- Dangerous caves...
No persistent installations.
- The launcher deletes it-self after has rezzed the station.
- The station is programmed to delete it-self after 7 minutes if nobody is present around.
- High-resolution view of the Earth & Moon orbital environment.
- Large Lunar landscape with high-resolution view of the Moon.
- Experience the Zero gravity. Standalone & couple.
- Lunar Rover.
- Mysterious ruins and dangerous caves.