Many billions of human later...
In the heart of the huge city of Gigapolis, this gigantic parabolic energy antena offer a large panorama.
Use this orbiter to go with your friends at the most peaceful zone of Second Life®. This orbiter of 1 to 8 passengers capacity, will reach your targeted altitude (between 800m to 4000 m) and will deploy the GIGAPOLIS environment for you and your guests.
No persistent installations.
- The launcher deletes it-self after has rezzed the station.
- The station is programmed to delete it-self after 4 minutes if nobody is present around.
- High-resolution view of the huge city of Gigapolis, from a gigantic parabolic antena.
- Living area with armchairs and sofa.
- Dance floor.
- Bed. (27 poses for couple activities).
- Energy beam & special effects. (including a the collapsing of the stucture)