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The Lair of Butak

The sacrifice to the beast from hell...

The LAIR of BUTAK is a complete environment evoking the terrible ritual of the offering to Butak, a fearsome creature from the depths of the deepest pit of the earth. This is an ideal scenery to enhance a role playing.

The scenario is this one:
The offered victim is tied to the wood poles. The ceremony starts when the officiant hits the gong. Then, a heavy tile of stone starts to move, uncovering a large and deep hole under the victim. The officiant hits the gong to call Butak until it comes. Butak climbs from the deepness and reaches the surface to take the victim...

The launcher of 1 to 9 passengers capacity, will reach your targeted altitude (between 800m to 4000 m) and will deploy the LAIR of BUTAK environment for you and your guests.

How it works:
- The officiant should wear the gong mallet, you will find it near the fire place. Click on it to recieved the object.

- The victime should click on the transversal wood piece. (The one between the 2 little fires, with the ropes)

- The officiant must click on the tile under the gong to start the ceremony. (The ceremony will start only if there is a victime on the poles)

- Once Butak has screamed its first time, when the music has stopped, the officiant can stand up from the gong. Since this moment, Butak will come anyway.

Test mode:
You can preview all the ceremony even if there is no victime on the poles. To do this, click on the tile under the gong, and then click on the left rope that maintain the gong. You will hear the gong. The ceremony will start, even if there is no victime on the poles.

No persistent installations.
- The launcher deletes it-self after has rezzed the station.
- The station is programmed to delete it-self after 2 minutes if nobody is present around.
  • Sacrificial platform in a nightmare's environment.

  • Ceremony ambiance with sounds, animations and visual effects.

  • The terrible beast of the deepness... Butak.

  • Large gong to call Butak.

  • Energy field transportation launcher.


Movie based on the products.
Zeja PyleThe Lair of Butak
Like this object is NOT TRANSFERABLE, no refund is possible.

This END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT is effective between the creator of the product and its owner once the product has been purchased.
This product is for the personal use of its owner. The owner should be present in-world to rez this product. Once rezzed, this product deletes it-self once all the avatars in its volume have quitted.
Any persistent use of this product is strictly the previlege of its creator. This persistency is not includes in the present products. The owner can't request this previlege.
The usage of this product is not exclusive to the owner.
Any modifications, or use, of the entire or of a part of this product, for another activity or for another product, is reserved to the creator. The owner can't request this previlege.
Primitives: 123
490 L$

Creator: Zeja Pyle

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The Lair of Butak photo 1The Lair of Butak photo 2The Lair of Butak photo 3The Lair of Butak photo 4The Lair of Butak photo 5The Lair of Butak photo 6
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